Please click on any of the boxes below to learn more about the services that make Alpine Home Health care the most complete post-acute health care provider in the northeast.

Providing care in your home is not the same as providing care in a hospital or skilled nursing facility. Your care giver becomes a more integral part of your family life, and that requires a special type of person; the type you’ll find only at Alpine. All of our Home Health Care Nurses are registered and licensed in the State of New York and each goes through Alpine’s rigorous screening and interview process, followed by on-site training with a an experienced nurse. On our average, our nurses have over 15 years’ experience in providing care to patients with complicated needs. In concert with your doctor, we’ll develop a plan of care tailored to meet your individual needs, taking into consideration more than just your current condition. Our nurses factor in any prior illnesses or surgeries, your personal preferences, long- and short-term goals and your family support system. When your final care plan is approved, it will be one that ensures you the best possible opportunity for a successful outcome.
Your Alpine care giver will report back to your health care providers regularly on your condition and progress.
Alpine nurses are there for you, to meet your needs. That’s why we provide skilled nursing care seven days a week. Whether providing the hands-on care you need, or consulting on a clinical situation with your doctor or hospital, our staff is there for you.
Health care is a team effort, and at Alpine, our nurses work with other Certified Home Health Agencies and Licensed Agencies to coordinate the most complete menu of home care services available. For example, we regularly provide detailed education on specific medical conditions to our patients and we coordinate with their home care assistance as well. We train in topics such as Diabetes care and the use of insulin and dietary management; Respiratory care and dealing with conditions such as asthma and COPD; Cardiac functioning and Neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other dementias, Cerebral Palsy and ALS; we teach people to deal properly with patients suffering from HIV/AIDS, and we regularly provide training on wound care and skin integrity to ensure clean, comfortable care.
Whether you need us to make a home visit on short-notice to assess your need for services on behalf of your medical provider, or you are ready for regular in-home care, choose your care partner carefully. Choose Alpine.

We seek out only highly skilled therapists with training and experience in at least one acute care facility such as a hospital or acute-care rehabilitation center to be on the Alpine Home Health Care team. These therapists bring into our patients’ homes’ the very same level of skill as you would find in a hospital setting, yet with the hands-on treatment that can only be accomplished in a one-to-one setting like the patient’s own home.
Every plan of care starts with a thorough evaluation that includes careful consultation with your entire treatment team. Then, your therapist will prepare a care plan best suited to your specific needs. The plan will address all physical deficits from traumatic injuries, repetitive motions, chronic conditions, and congenital defects. Our goal, like yours, is to restore and improve function and to get back to being as independent as possible. Exercises to restore or improve range of motion, muscle strength, posture alignment, breathing patterns, circulation, balance, coordination and endurance will all help you to achieve that goal.
Therapy sessions can be quite exciting and often go far beyond simple at-home exercises. The initial focus is usually on strengthening muscles and increasing general cardiovascular fitness and endurance. As you progress in your therapy sessions you may learn to use special equipment. Some patients use ambulation equipment such as canes, walkers, braces or artificial limbs, and are instructed in proper walking techniques. At some point you may even consider a variety of community-based exercise programs.

It might not be what you think. Occupational therapy has nothing to do with employment. Rather it’s about helping you with the tasks you need to do every day in order to be as independent as possible. Things like dressing, personal hygiene and feeding yourself. An occupational therapist will also work with you to help you manage getting around your home and community, doing basic household chores, work-related or leisure activities, and all the other things that occupy your day.
Your occupational therapy begins with an evaluation to determine which functional activities are most difficult for you. Together, you and your therapist will set appropriate goals and your therapist may recommend certain equipment, like hand splints, bathroom equipment, a wheelchair – even adapted utensils. And our occupational therapists will work with you and your family members. Everyone, not just the patient, needs to know how to use the equipment and how to handle basic tasks in new ways. By involving and teaching the people around you, they can help you continue your advancement even when the therapist is not on-site. We find that this approach smooths and speeds the transition back home and back into your community.

Effective communication is critical to your health and well-being and a vital component of a successful rehabilitation. That’s why we employ among the very best speech language pathologists. These caring professionals patiently evaluate and treat adults with a variety of communication disorders. They help restore speech clarity and assist individuals with swallowing disorders so they can safely eat and drink.
Your therapist will evaluate your condition and determine the most appropriate therapeutic interventions. Once a plan is established, you and your therapist will work together, helping you to regain the ability to express yourself and understand wants and needs from very simple levels to very complex.

Alpine’s social workers are highly trained to deal with patients’ needs in a variety of issues that impact your care and quality of life. We can help you work through the bureaucratic entanglements of Medicaid and Medicare, sort out housing concerns and social services matters, follow-up on psycho-social problems and deal with family intervention issues.
Medical social workers are trained to help you transition from a hospital or skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility, back to your life at home. They can assist with the social, financial, emotional and practical aspects of your condition. After you’re home, they may be arranging for your family to observe your therapy one day, and coordinating support groups for patients and families the next. Besides providing emotional support and assistance, they regularly provide support on issues related to Domestic Violence, Adult Protective Services, and insurance benefits.

Alpine Home Health Care frequently makes arrangements for all types of Durable Medical Equipment (DME) that you may need to enable you to remain in your home longer, or to transition smoothly back to your home after time spent in the hospital or in a skilled nursing or rehabilitation facility. Durable Medical Equipment can be anything from a hospital bed to bathroom assistance fixtures to mobility devices and specialized equipment that you may need for a few days, a few weeks, or even for a much longer time. Asking your Alpine care team to make the arrangements for your medical equipment ensures that you get the right equipment, at the right time,that will efficiently and comfortably meet your immediate and anticipated needs.